Industry solutions

Production environment control and analysis

  • System monitors and stores data from control points (measurements, sensors and manual entry)
  • Presents information in a combined form (charts, tables, reports) with set criteria and thresholds
  • Retrospective production cycle analysis
  • Production volume forecast and environment settings suggestions
  • Critical alerts email / SMS / Whatsapp / Telegram / etc.

Product cost dynamic calculation

  • System calculates cost of the production day
  • Presents combined cost of product for set period (sum of day cost)
  • Cost breakdown and dynamics (based on previous timeframe)
  • Future product cost forecast
  • Daily / weekly / monthly report

Production volume control

  • In and out production monitoring based on used material against produced
  • Summarized information on day / shift / week / etc. produced quantity
  • Integration with weighing infrastructure (before and after)


  • Production marking with UIDs (QR/Bar code)
  • Produced items tracking via UIDs (stored information retrieval)
  • Production volume reports

Preventive/Scheduled maintenance

  • Devices / Machinery estimated maintenance / replacement cycle monitoring
  • Summary report on status weekly / monthly

Vision solutions

  • ML based quality control

Stockpile monitoring for production

  • Overview of available stock
  • Usage and filling monitoring
  • Available production volume calculation
  • “Best before” monitoring for perishable stock or products
  • Daily / weekly / monthly report

Minimal requirements

  • Server (on premise or Cloud based)
  • Integration bit equipment (existing or additional)
  • User management
  • Data storage model
  • User interface
  • Backup solution

Feel free to contact us, we can definitely help you!


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